
Monday, 19 October 2015 00:00

Study Finds Barefoot Running Results in Equal Injuries Compared to Shoe Running

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fungal-toenail2According to a study conducted by the University of Delaware, barefoot running and running with ordinary running shoes will have the same effects on the feet and body. Dr. Allison Altman-Singles and Dr. Irene Davis used 107 barefoot participants and 94 runners with shoes and studied their injuries over the course of a year. While they expected the barefoot runners to sustain a fewer amount of injuries, the study showed that both groups sustained an equal amount of injuries within the year. However, the study showed that the barefoot group was only able to cover 24 kilometers per week while the shoe group covered 41 kilometers per week covering more ground with less injury. While the shoe group did cover more ground Altman-Singles did find that the demographic of the barefoot group seemed to be an older and less competitive crowd.

Barefoot running has its own share of benefits and disadvantages. To learn more about this trend, consider speaking to one of our podiatrists of Greene Podiatry Associates, Inc. Our doctors will explain the facts of barefoot running and help you decide if it’s a practice you’d like to take up.

Barefoot Running

The Impact of Barefoot Running
-Running without shoes changes the motion of your running, as most running is done by landing on the heel of the feet.
-Running barefoot requires a different way of running; the landing is done on the front part of the feet.

The Advantages of Barefoot Running
-When running and landing on the front feet, the impact on the feet and ankle is reduced, this can reduce stress injuries.
-It strengthens muscles in the feet and ankles and the lower legs.
-Balance of the body is improved and there is a greater sensory input from the feet to the rest of the body.

The Drawbacks of Barefoot Running
-No protection while running, makes it likely that runners will land on sharp objects and scrapes, bruises and cuts on the feet will result.
-Blisters may form.
-Possibility of plantar fascia problems.
-Risk of getting Achilles tendonitis.

So what can runners do to make barefoot running safe? It’s best to make a slow transition from running shoes to barefoot running. Once the feet begin to adjust, try walking, then jogging and gradually increasing the distance. Minimalist running shoes may also be an option.

If you have any questions, please contact our offices located in Waynesburg and Fredericktown, PA. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Barefoot Running


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